

All of these amethyst lamps are gorgeous and so very different. Boasting tiny crystal points to large bold points, Some have geothite inclusions ! pick the one that speaks to you- all are incredible.

all 7 inches plus in height ( Amethyst - the cat- is still a kitten and she loves sitting amongst the amethyst)

Number 1 looks a flower - an aster maybe with all its petals -

Includes complimentary: light bulb and standard wall cord, with an on /off switch on its cord. Just plug in the wall and enjoy the added benefit of light. 15 W bulb

🌙 AMETHYST | Spiritual , Emotional + Physical Healing. This purple Quartz is a natural balancer, bringing calmness & clarity where there is anxiety & confusion. Provides a connection to the divine, enhances physic abilities and is useful for meditation. Soothing vibes promote inner peace and healing leading to a restful sleep. Helps heighten creativity, spirituality, grounding, courage & self esteem.

Affirmation |  "I am calm and peaceful in my body, mind and soul."

Zodiac | Aquarius

Chakras |Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra *
