
Pure Kunzite. Classic and ethereally gorgeous. Breathtaking lilac toned pink / purple with a lovely sheen.

These semi precious gemstone beaded bracelets are available in 7 - 8 mm stones, 9-10 mm stones and not for the faint of heart - 13mm - 14mm stones.

🌙Kunzite | Largely comprised of lithium, aluminum and silicate, it is known as a gentle and calming stone. It promotes a deep connection between the mind and opens the heart. Helps to heal broken hearts & relieve anger, stress and facilitate love, happiness and harmony. With the passing of my dear Mother and Mother in Law, I found myself constantly drawn to Kunzite and it subtly soothed me and helped me navigate through my grieving process. *

Coconut Quartz bracelets are crafted in various sizes to ensure you get the perfect fit.  Bracelet Sizing Guide
