Rose Quartz Necklace | Pink Tourmaline Necklace


Make a statement with this unique and exquisite necklace. Gorgeous long statement necklace. A beautiful oval Rose Quartz accented with a Pink Tourmaline

Perfect for that long layered look. Lightweight yet substantial steel bead chain is 40 inches.

šŸŒ™Rose QuartzĀ |Forgivenessā™„Ā LoveĀ ā™„Ā Self-Loveā™„Ā Compassionā™„Ā The energetic hallmark of unconditional love and universal love. Facilitates positive love energy to all types of relationships: self-love, family, platonic, and unconditional love. Heart Chakra *

Ā Pink Tourmaline ( Rubellite )Ā  | Enhances cognitive awareness, supports positivity, helps to balance extremes, heals old emotional wounds and open the Heart Chakra.Ā A wonderfully powerful stone bursting with positive energy. Excellent detoxifying stone. Heart Chakra*