
Oco / Occo Agate Geode half tumbled palm stones. These are stunners, colours are predominately light creams, grays and browns with gorgeous bands and swirls, some smoother than others, some have caverns and divets.

Nice weighty crystals, a beautiful feel in the hand, average size is 4cm - 6cm

Oco or Ocho geodes are small agate geodes with a drusy quartz lining that are found in the Tres Pinheiros region of Brazil. When found, they range in size between about 1 inch and 3 inches in diameter and are sightly smaller once tumbled. These are formed in the vesicles of basalt flows that underlie parts of that region.

 I will intuitively choose one of these divine crystals for you. Your crystal will be similar to one of these, as these are natural stones, each will be unique.

AGATE | Spiritual , Emotional + Physical Healing, A balancing, calming and grounding stone, it is helpful with increasing focus and concentration, stabilizing energy, multilevel cleansing bringing balance in the body. Facilitates acceptance of one self.

Affirmation | "I am strong and divinely protected."

Zodiac |  Gemini

Chakras | All Chakras*
