
 This beaded stretch bracelet is created with semi precious matte Amazonite, Jasper and Clear Quartz. 8 mm beads. This bracelet was created with long lazy summer days spent camping, hiking and the outdoors as inspiration.

The Vibe is Calm and Relaxed.


🌙AMAZONITE | Spiritual , Emotional + Physical Healing. This Feldspar Gemstone is a powerful filtering stone; blocking geopathic stress, absorbing electromagnetic pollution & supporting those who are oversensitive in general and to environmental pollutants. I find that I am continually drawn to Amazonite in times when I need a bit of support. Whether it be when I am doing public speaking, teaching a course or any time that I am among a group of people, I am calmed by Amazonite. I love my Mala made with Amazonite, I find the colours and the tactile feel of the stones soothing as well. Amazonite just seems to lessen the “noise” and make things clearer. Assists with health, emotional balance and allows you to see the other side of things more easily.

Affirmation |  "I am at peace in my body."

Zodiac | Virgo

Chakras | Heart Chakra , Throat Chakra*



 Quartz Clear | Power Stone. Master Healer.  Quartz is perhaps the most important crystal to have in your collection. It radiates energy, acts as an all purpose stone and is a phenomenal amplifier. Quartz enhances energy by absorbing, storing, amplifying, balancing, focusing & transmitting energy. Clear Quartz brings clarity, facilitating awareness, making it one of the best crystals to meditate with. Channeling universal energy, this master crystal is pure beautiful energy, promoting awareness and support. *

Jasper | Supreme Nurturer. Making a Connection + Mentoring. There are various types of jasper, each with unique properties. It has been used since ancient times and may be helpful in stressful situations. It brings healing & new vitality *

Coconut Quartz bracelets are crafted in various sizes to ensure you get the perfect fit.  Bracelet Sizing Guide
