
Banded Orange Calcite sphere.

These are high quality soft creamy orange with lighter swirls / bands. I love the soft comforting energy that emanates, these creamy orange balls are just breathtaking and make me smile.

Average weight 160 grams +/-.

Calcite / Calcite can increase energy when one feels lackluster. Increases optimism and clarity. May help to expand consciousness and connect with other realms.* Sacral Chakra*

 I will intuitively choose one of these divine crystals for you. Your crystal will be similar to one of these, as these are natural stones, each will be unique.

*The information provided is for informational purposes regarding our products. Crystals provide a holistic method of energy balancing and are not meant as a substitute for medical advice or medicine. If you have health concerns, please seek medical advice from your medical practitioner.